REN: Retreats and Meetings
REN is a place for retreats and meetings or gatherings, it is supported by Discovery and is located in the heart of the Sierra de Cádiz, within the confines of the ancient vegetable gardens which in their time, made Algodonales famous and have been cultivated since Iberian times.
The REN vegetable garden, with its Arabic terraces and plant protecting fences, is crossed by a crystal clear stream coming from the Fuente Del Algarrobo spring. Although it is situated in the village, its surroundings provide sufficient privacy to allow you to enjoy your gardening and it also offers various other possibilities for your enjoyment, either inside or outdoors and in small or large groups.What do we offer?
We offer a meeting place for groups of people who wish to work on their personal development in activities that include yoga, physical exercise, dance and movement, art therapy, shape therapy, discussion groups…
We have a 100 square metre indoor workshop which is adaptable to meet all possible requirements; we have a gazebo type facility for outdoor work, a lawn of some 500 square metres as well as various meeting areas within the vegetable garden. During the summer months the swimming pool is available. Hostel accommodation is available for up to 70 people. Additionally, we can also prepare area in the outdoors giving your work a unique experience: ancient threshing floors, castles, caves, natural vantage points, amongst others. We want to offer the possibility of taking the workplace and putting it in to nature itself.